Software Reviews

When you are ready to purchase the most recent release of your graphic design or desktop publishing application to get the latest and greatest tools, make sure you know what you're paying for. We've taken a look at some of the most popular titles and provided a list of reviews from around the Web. Before you head off to the computer store, find out if the upgrade is worth the price or whether you might want to wait until the next version.
Adobe Acrobat 6(
A major overhaul of the creation and review of PDF files and new high-end design capabilities add to Acrobat's existing strengths.
Adobe Illustrator 10(
New tools, distortion effects, symbol support, data-driven imaging, image slicing and improved SWF and SVG Web output see Illustrator 10 pushing forward on all fronts.
Adobe InDesign 2.0(
InDesign's multipurpose output and fabulous typography tools finally push it through Quark's glass ceiling.
Adobe Photoshop 7(
Photoshop 7 is quite simply the best version of Photoshop ever.
Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0(
Those who have Photoshop experience may just conclude that Elements 2.0 has all the digital-imaging power they need, at a much more affordable price.
Microsoft Office 11.0(
Microsoft has enhanced some of Office 2003's applications... but most Office enhancements benefit large-scale setups.
Microsoft Office X for Mac(
If you've been waiting for a good reason to purchase Mac OS X, Office X is it.
QuarkXPress 5.0(
If you've used a previous version of Quark, you'll absolutely want this upgrade.